Stigma is the number 1 reason why people don't reach out or talk about their problems.
Did you know that 1 in 4 people will struggle with their mental health at some point during each year? There is no getting away from it, the modern society that we live in today is set up in a way that leaves us feeling stressed, pressured, and estranged from our true nature. Because of this, we occasionally need help to navigate and map our lives but we seldom reach out for it, therefore repeating past mistakes, falling into familiar traps, and never truly understanding the reasons why?
Fruit cake, nut job, sandwich short of a picnic, crazy, loopy, insane, they've lost it, and many more phrases like this are used everyday without a thought, which has sadly created an unconscious Stigma that somehow struggling with our mental health is to be sneered at.
Stigma is basically our own worry or concerns of what others will think of our need for help. So why are we so concerned? Maybe it's the news and media's portrayal of people with mental heath issues, maybe we see it in TV dramas, movies, books. Maybe when we were growing up we heard rumours of the 'weirdo' or 'nut case' that everyone always talked about, maybe one of our real concerns is that we will be cast in the same shadow as them. We also worry that talking about it will mean that we are weak, out of control, or it could mean that we are afraid of talking about something private because of the fear that other people will 'find out'? Well, whatever our preconceptions, or felt beliefs, they are far from the truth. Counselling is completely Private and Confidential and will help relieve this stress and concern.
People will always judge us (it's built in to their nature), but when you look deeper what are their judgements based upon, and why do we care so much? Other people will never fully understanding the 'thoughts' and 'reasons' behind our decisions, behaviours and actions. They will never truly know how and why we live our lives the way we do, how could they?
So maybe it best to let them be them, and you be you.
Believe me, it takes strength, bravery, resilience, and courage, to face your demons and want to be a better person because of it. Who on earth could judge that?
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