I can help with the majority of the issues on this page, however, if at the moment you wish to explore other avenues of help, or if you are looking for help in a specific way, then maybe one of these numbers can help. If not, feel free to share this page as it may well be just the list that changes someone's life for the better.
Age UK – 0800 055 6112 (Devon – 0333 241 2340)
Age UK is the leading charity for older people. Visit Age UK today for help, information and advice or to see how you can donate or give support.
Al Anon – friends and families of alcoholics – 0800 008 6811
Al-Anon Family Groups UK & Eire is there for anyone whose life is or has been affected by someone else’s drinking.
AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) – 0800 917 7650
People come to AA through many different means… choose the path that best suits you. If you prefer e-mail as a means of contact then feel free to email us at help@aamail.org
Alzheimer’s Society – 0300 222 1122
If you need dementia support, we’re here for you. We know dementia affects everyone differently. So whether you, a loved one, a friend or neighbour is affected by dementia, we’re here to support you.
BEAT – eating disorders adult youth – 0808 801 0677
Eating disorders are complex mental illnesses. Anyone, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity or background, can develop one. Learn about different diagnoses and signs to look out for in yourself or someone you know.
CentrePeace (Paignton) – 01803 550 720
CentrePeace is a drop-in community support centre in the heart of Paignton welcoming people from all walks of life.
Citizens Advice Bureau – 0808 2787859 (Freephone)
We can provide people with information on their rights, responsibilities and options on a wide variety of different issues including; Benefits, Housing, Consumer issues, Employment, Debt Family and Relationships, Legal Immigration, and many others.
Combat Stress – 0800 138 1619
Combat Stress, the UK’s leading charity for veterans’ mental health. For over a century, we’ve helped former servicemen and women with mental health problems such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety and depression.
Proud2Be is a grassroots user-led social enterprise that supports all LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, questioning, queer, intersex, asexual, pansexual, non-binary + more) people in Devon and beyond, to lead empowered, fulfilled and authentic lives. 0333 772 1187 – hello@proud2be.org.uk
Cruse Bereavement Care – 0808 808 1677
We help people through one of the most painful times in life – with bereavement support, information and campaigning.
Devon Carers – 0345 643 4435
We provide unpaid carers with the information and advice they need in their caring role.
Devon Rape Crisis Sexual Abuse Service – 01392 204 174
We offer confidential, professional support to survivors of rape, sexual assault and childhood sexual abuse in Devon.
Domestic Violence – 0808 2000 247
We are a team of highly-trained, female advisers. We won’t judge you or tell you what to do; we are here to listen. We will empower you to understand your options and support you to make any decisions about the future.
Eating Disorders – 0845 838 2040
Eating disorders are progressive, debilitating mental health conditions which call for medical, psychological and nutritional interventions. There are different types of eating disorders, so our NCFED practitioners have eating disorder treatment for compulsive eating, bulimia nervosa, and anorexia.
Gamblers Anonymous – 0330 094 0322
Gamblers Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other so that they may solve their common problem and help others do the same.
Mankind – 01823 334244
Our aim is to ensure all male victims of domestic abuse (and their children) are supported to enable them to escape from the situation they are in. Call 999 if in immediate danger.
Mental Health Foundation
A range of content designed to give you more information about mental health and to help you to look after your mental health. We have podcasts, videos, inspiring stories and information about getting help if you’re struggling.
Mind – 0300 123 3393 or text 86463
When you’re living with a mental health problem, or supporting someone who is, having access to the right information is vital.
National Debt Helpline – 0808 808 4000
We give free and independent debt advice over the phone and online.
Your complete guide to conditions, symptoms and treatments, including what to do and when to get help.
Papyrus – 0800 068 4141
Prevention of Young Suicide. We exist to reduce the number of young people who take their own lives by shattering the stigma around suicide and equipping young people and their communities with the skills to recognise and respond to suicidal behaviour.
Recovery Devon – 07824 161 192
A community interest company who create opportunities for Recovery in Devon. We support Recovery and wellbeing; both as a personal vision and as an underpinning value base to promote radical change in mental health attitudes and provision.
Relate (relationship support) – 01803 299 001
The UK’s largest provider of relationship support, and last year we helped people of all ages, backgrounds, sexual orientations and gender identities to strengthen their relationships.
Rethink – 0300 5000 927
We improve the lives of people severely affected by mental illness through our network of local groups and services, expert information and successful campaigning. Our goal is to make sure everyone severely affected by mental illness has a good quality of life.
Royal British Legion – 0808 802 8080
We support serving and ex-serving personnel all year round, every day of the week. Our support starts after one day of service and continues through life, long after service is over.
Royal College of Psychiatrists
Mental Health information where you’ll find readable, user-friendly and evidence-based information on mental health problems, treatments and other topics, written by psychiatrists with help from patients and carers.
SAFE (domestic violence) – 030 30 30 0112
Supporting families to recover from the trauma of domestic violence & abuse
Shekinah Project (Paignton) – 01803 214 988
Shekinah provides opportunities for people who are experiencing all forms of homelessness and other challenges they may be currently facing. A passionate and dedicated team of staff and volunteers ensure people are given a variety of opportunities to help them progress.
Shout Text Crisis Service – Text 85258
Shout 85258 is a free, confidential, 24/7 text message service for anyone in need of support in the UK. Our trained Shout Volunteers can help with issues including anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, relationship problems, sexuality, money worries.
Support For Veterans (House Move Helper)
The article covers topics such as housing, financial support, finding work, support for veterans with mental and physical disabilities and much more. It can be found here:
Survivors Of Bereavement By Suicide – 0300 111 5065
We exist to meet the needs and overcome the isolation experienced by people over 18 who have been bereaved by suicide.
Talk To Frank – 0300 123 6600
Honest information about drugs.
TALKWORKS – 0300 555 3344
Is the way that you are feeling affecting your daily life? Are you struggling to cope, feeling low, anxious or overwhelmed by your thoughts and feelings? Are you living with a health condition that is making you feel tired, frustrated and worried? You are not alone and we can help.
Victim Care Devon (Torbay Domestic Abuse Service) – 0800 916 1474
The Victim Care Unit is a team of staff who work with people who have experienced crime to try and get them the support they need. The service aims to help individuals cope with and recover from what has happened to them. The service is available whether or not a person’s crime is being investigated by the police.
The Moorings – 07483 991 848
Are you feeling distressed, frightened, overwhelmed, or that things are too much for you? Don’t know where to turn to get mental health support? Are your usual sources of support closed for the night? The Moorings @ Devon offers out-of-hours mental health support to anyone aged 16+ in the Torquay - email: devontorquay.mhm@nhs.net
Together (drug and alcohol services) – 0800 233 5444
EDP Drug & Alcohol Services support people to address their drug and alcohol misuse. A fundamental belief underpinning our work is that, given the right support and resources, people can and do make remarkable changes.
FND Friends
FND FrieNDs, based in the South West of England aims to support and educate those who have a diagnosis of Functional Neurological Disorder, as well as helping to encourage greater understanding within the medical profession of this fairly common but little understood condition.
www.fndfriends.com email: info@fndfriends.com
Torbay Disability Information Service – 0300 456 8373
The Disability Information Service offers information designed to support self-care and independence for people with disabilities and carers living in Torbay (TQ1-TQ5). No referral is required and the service can be freely accessed.
Torbay Drug And Alcohol Services Walnut Lodge – 01803 604 334
This site offers information on issues including, drug and alcohol recovery networks, mental health, domestic abuse, recovery networks, peer support etc.
Veterans Gateway – 0808 802 1212 or text 81212
Information, advice and support for veterans and their families. Here for you 24/7, we’re also the first point of contact for all your welfare needs. From healthcare and housing to employability, and more. Get in touch so that we can refer you directly to our expert, vetted partners.
Victim Support – 0808 168 9111
We’re here to help anyone affected by crime, not only those who experience it directly, but also their friends, family and any other people involved. It doesn’t matter when the crime took place – you can get our support at any time, and for however long you need us.
Young Minds – text YM to 85258
Whether you want to understand more about how you’re feeling and find ways to feel better, or you want to support someone who’s struggling, we can help.
Young Devon (Youth Enquiry Service) – 01626 202 530
Young Devon is the largest young people’s charity in the South West. Our mission is to make Devon a better place for all young people. Each year we work with over 2,000 young people, building quality relationships to help them thrive.
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